17 Ways to Foster Resilience
It’s taken resilience to promote positive news for 17 years. Negative news tends to take top billing in mainstream media, and this can lead us to feel like there is no hope ahead. It’s human nature to let the naysayers overshadow the cheerleaders.
I often plan Inspire(d)’s themes based on what I need to hear at the moment, and right now I need to hear some encouragement to keep going. And judging by conversations with friends and family, others agree. Things feel pretty hard right now. There are a lot of unknowns in the world, and that can make it difficult to keep working at your goals and keep standing up for what you believe in.
So, we must be resilient.
Resilience is a funny thing. In me, it kind of conjures up these fight or flight feelings. You don’t really want to HAVE to be resilient, because it means you’ve had to deal with hard things. But hard things are virtually unavoidable in life. And, despite the difficulty, in all the times I’ve dug deep to get through necessary tough moments, I’ve been proud of myself and the effort I put in. If the effort is for something that really matters, it’s been worth it. Resilience has served its purpose.
But how do we strengthen a character trait like resilience? I think working from a lot of different angles is helpful. Finding ways to take breaks, ask for help, find inspiration…anything that gives you even a little spark of hope and motivation to take a step forward.
It’s definitely not easy. The biggest thing for me is being hyper vigilant about keeping my priorities aligned. My top three? Take care of myself, take care of my family, take care of our business.
In honor of doing just that for 17 whole years, we’ve put together 17 Ways to Foster Resilience in your life. We hope this issue will give you some ideas that will make resilience feel just a little bit easier… so we can all keep on keeping on, working toward a better community and world.

17 Ways to Foster Resilience
1. Care for yourself
Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to do something that betters your health (ideas: a walk, a skincare routine, stretching, reading)
2. Limit social media consumption
Study after study reminds us it’s not good for us.
3. Set some simple goals.
Momentum can pull you through when things feel tough.
• Get out of bed
• Go on a 10 minute walk
• Do one thing on your to-do list
4. Find your why
See our “Find Your Why” Mental Health Worksheet to get started!
5. Ask for help
Feeling really overwhelmed? A helping hand can feel like a lifeboat.
6. Believe in Yourself
Positive affirmations feel cheesy, but they work
7. Ask yourself: “What’s the best that could happen if I keep going?”
8. Pinpoint what gives you hope
Write it down. People, places, animals, ideas, etc. Lean into them.
9. Learn from challenges
How has this tough time made you stronger?
10. Practice acceptance
If there are things out of your control, try to accept them, and move on to things that are.
11. Take action
Can you do something about your difficult situation? Dig in and start doing. Your life can improve if you work at it.
12. Find a way to laugh
A little spot of happiness makes things feel lighter.
13. Work on Positive Reframes
Could this challenge be a growth opportunity?
14. Seek resilient role models
How can you follow their lead?
15. Prioritize physical health – everything is easier when you are feeling healthy
Look after the four pillars of health: sleep, stress management, nutrition, physical activity
16. Find connection
Friends and family can lend support and guidance
17. Spend time in nature
Wondering at the beauty in the world can give great perspective.