Driftless Stories -

2024 Inspire(d) Photographers

By Aryn Henning Nichols

When we switched printers in 2023, we decided to start featuring local photographers’ work in the Center Spread spot in each Inspire(d) Magazine. We wanted to show off the beauty, fun, and uniqueness of the Driftless Region through these talented photographers’ photos. And, whew, have they delivered! Our 2024 issues featured an amazing selection of images. Check them all out here!


Spring 2024: Brian Gibbs of Timberdoodle Photography

Photo by Brian Gibbs / Timberdoodle Photography

Photographer Brian Gibbs writes: 

“Conditions looked favorable for a rainbow, so I went cruising through the countryside, hopeful for that ‘pot of gold’ shot. When it appeared, I zoomed upriver from the Motor Mill, grabbed my camera, left the car, and went full on into the Turkey River. Water rushed up to my shins, and the setting sun cast a tangerine light on everything. And then a double rainbow formed! These days, it’s not uncommon for my son to ask me if I saw a rainbow after the rain.” See more of Brian’s photography at timberdoodlephotography.com.


Summer 2024: Aaron Lurth

Photo by Aaron Lurth

Photographer Aaron Lurth writes:

“I have always been fascinated with the oddities and quirks that seem to unwittingly come with modern society. I’m the person that goes to famous landmarks to photograph the people, not the object. For me, the local fair, with its bright palette, eclectic crowd, and vibrant energy, has always served as an exceptional place to photograph. There’s something so relatable about this moment: being a kid staring up at this ride that seems larger than life…though perhaps it’s also an example of something that never changes no matter your age.” To see more of Aaron’s photography, you can visit his website at: www.aaron-lurth.com


Fall 2024: Jason Ray Photography

Photo by Jason Ray Photography

Photographer Jason Ray writes:

“I took this image a few years ago from Grandad Bluff which sits atop the city of La Crosse, WI. With the ability to see three different states in the Driftless Region, the view from here is always beautiful no matter the season. But when the light is right, the sights become even better and the light this evening was spectacular. The skies were partly cloudy and the shadows danced across the landscape, selectively highlighting the bluffs off in the distance and the city below. This image remains one of my all-time favorites I’ve taken.”  See Jason’s work at jasonrayphotography.com.


Winter 2024-25: Michael Floy Photography 

Photo by Michael Floy

Photographer Michael Floy writes:

“On January 1st, 2021, while most were still recovering from New Year’s Eve, I ventured out early to capture the enchanting beauty of a location in Decorah known as “The Cut.” The scene evoked a calm peacefulness, with only the gentle sound of water trickling beneath the ice, making its way towards the Upper Iowa River. It was a serene moment of winter’s quiet splendor, beautifully frozen in time.” Learn more about Michael’s work at facebook.com/michaelfloyphotography.
