
When Inspire(d) founder Aryn Henning Nichols worked at a newspaper editing obituaries, she always wished she could have asked more questions of the folks memorialized in those columns. So when Inspire(d) launched in 2007, she immediately knew a feature that had to be included each issue: the Probituary: A Notice of Life! We feature local grandparents, elderly neighbors, long-standing community leaders, and more. Generally, these Q&A interviews are conducted by someone who knows the interviewee – we like to think of the questions as catalysts for conversation! We’ve received invaluable wisdom from the folks highlighted over the years. But don’t take our word for it – see for yourself! (Sidenote: If you’d like to interview someone you know for a future probituary, get in touch!)

Sylvester Carolan


Sylvester Carolan

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (6/20/16) TO SYLVESTER! Interview by Joanie Rollins (daughter of Sylvester) and Benji Nichols. Sylvester Carolan, age 105, claims his faith, his family, a…




Interview and foreword by Karen Kerndt I met Mary Henry in 1988 when I started working with Winneshiek County Public Health. She has been a…

Virginia Zotalis


Virginia Zotalis

Interviewed by daughter-in-law Lynne Zotalis. It’s so interesting how things come around. I will have two new grandchildren by spring.  Their great grandma, Virginia, will…

Agnes Forde


Agnes Forde

What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you? Just be myself. How about the worst? When they took my car keys away.  I had already…

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