There are lots of ways to connect & stay Inspire(d)!
Looking for more positive news to brighten your days? Here are some more ways to connect with Inspire(d) and our mission:
Becoming a Member of Inspire(d) is one of the best ways to support Inspire(d)’s efforts. Click the link above and fill out our form to Become a Member of the Inspire(d) Family. You will get each issue sent right to your door, hot off the presses (even before they hit stands)! If you don’t need to get a magazine in the mail, you can also make a donation of any amount to become a Member! We appreciate you!
Sign up for our monthly-ish Positive News Newsletter! We’ll share positive tidbits from around the Driftless and beyond, new stuff happening, and maybe a dad joke or two.
We make a Spotify playlist to go with each issue of Inspire(d)! Click above to see all of Editor-in-Chief Aryn Henning Nichols’s playlists!
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or when in doubt:
You can always reach out to us directly through our contact page. We’ll get back to you ASAP.