DIY Affirmation Cards
DIY Affirmation Cards!
We know all this affirmation stuff can feel a little (waves fingers) “woowoo”. But being your own cheerleader is a worthwhile thing to try out! Saying positive things to yourself, until you finally believe them, is a great way to strengthen your confidence and brighten your days. Go on, give it a try. The moments that feel a little silly are the ones you’ve gotta push on through! This is the first step in not GAFing what other people think, and believing in yourself!
For our Paper Project for the Winter 2023-24 Inspire(d), we put together templates for DIY Affirmation Cards! We created two sheets to get you started, and included a blank sheet so you can write as many of your own as you’d like! Special shout-out to Lynsey D. Moritz for creating the amazing illustrations featured on these cards and throughout the entire winter issue!

Card stock
Download DIY Affirmation sheet 1 here.
Download DIY Affirmation sheet 2 here.
And download the DIY Affirmation blank sheet here.
Once you’ve downloaded and printed your sheets on card stock, cut each page into the eight equal cards. Write in your own affirmations on the blank cards, shuffle your newly-created affirmation card deck, pull out a card, and say it to yourself. Or feel free to pull out a specific one that speaks to you on that day.
I like to say my affirmations with my shoulders back, head high, looking at something in the distance outside (often a tree on the bluff). You could look in the mirror, just say it to the room, or you can even say it silently inside your head!
You are doing great!
xoxox – Aryn