Driftless Natural History Quiz

Untouched by Pleistocene ice sheets that reshaped the northern tier of states, the Driftless Area’s ruggedness is iconic. Rocky bluffs dissected by narrow, steep-sided valleys create a signature landscape not only beautiful, but also biodiverse. Myriad topographic nooks and crannies support a trove of plant and animal species. By any measure, the “Driftless” is considered among the most biologically diverse landscapes in the Upper Midwest. This lighthearted quiz will test your Driftless natural history savvy, both biological and geologic.
Multiple-choice questions may have more than one correct answer. Choose your answer then click the “submit” button to see how you did! Good luck!

Craig Thompson
Craig Thompson is a professional biologist with a penchant for birds dating back to a time when gas was $0.86 cents a gallon. He’s working on his Kermit the Frog impression.

Mary Thompson
Mary Thompson has degrees in Fine Arts and Education. She has delighted in the creative arts since her first box of crayons. She loves watching dragonflies while sipping a good cup of bergamot tea.