Giant Paper Strawberry Box
A Giant Paper Strawberry Box would be perfect as a May Day Basket (just add a string for a handle) or Party Favor Box, or just because you’re feeling crafty. Happy Spring!

Strawberry box template
Leaf template (if you want to print several leaves on green or white paper)
Red card stock (or white if you want to color it yourself)
Green paper (or white if you want to color it yourself)
Glue stick
Paper hole punch
Green pipe cleaner

Print the strawberry box template on card stock. I had red card stock, but you could also print it on white and color in your strawberry box page (red or whatever fun color you would like)! Cut out the template along the gray lines.

There’s a leaf template included on the main strawberry template page, so you could cut that out as well and trace it over your green paper, or you could print a whole page of leaves on green paper (with this template) and save yourself some time (especially if you’re making more than one box).

Fold the template in half.

Open it up and start folding the strawberry segments in toward the center.

Like this.

And this.

Once each segment has been folded, open it back up and overlap the two segments on the ends.

Put glue on the inside of the segment that will be the outer layer.

And glue on the outside of the segment that will be on the inside layer. Put the two glued segments together.

Hold those segments together for a bit while the glue dries.

Grab your paper hole punch and put a hole at the tip of each segment.

Like this!

Thread one end of your pipe cleaner (you could probably use some stiff twine or string here if you don’t have pipe cleaners) through one hole, and then through the next and the next.

Thread the other end of the pipe cleaner through the twi holes on the other side of the strawberry.

You can add your party favors or little May Day Basket gifts at this point, then bring the pipe cleaner ends together to close your strawberry.

Your Giant Paper Strawberry should look like this at this point!

Now, when I first made this template, I thought you could just cut out the leaf template and trace it on to green paper. But that’s kind of a pain. So I made this sheet of leaves that you can just print right onto green paper (or color white paper before cutting them out). That should eliminate at least one step, haha! Learn from my mistakes!

Either way, once you have your strawberry leaves cut out, you use your hole punch to make a hole in the middle.

Thread your pipe cleaner ends through that hole, and you’ve got a finished Giant Paper Strawberry Box! Yay! If you make one, be sure to tag @iloveinspired on Instagram or Facebook so we can see your rad work!