13 Tips for Tapping into Compassion
One act of compassion has the ability to shift your entire day. Maybe even week. Month. Year. Hey, I know it sounds ridiculous, but maybe that one act of compassion will shift your entire life. Making an effort to be kinder than you need to be, to open the door for a stranger or smile at a passing walker, or to be extra generous as you travel through life has the potential to ripple good vibes across the universe.
Compassion is defined as recognizing the suffering of others and then being inspired to help. It’s an emotion related to empathy – the ability to place yourself in other people’s shoes and really understand where they’re coming from with their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The leading theme in the Summer 2024 issue of Inspire(d) is compassion because I believe it’s what we need to reconnect in humanity. Shifting our perspectives, allowing ourselves to see things from different points of view, is vital to creating a worthwhile future for the next generation.
But don’t mistake these efforts as a way of sugar coating the state of the world, or a move toward complacence. It’s quite the opposite. This is a mountain we’re climbing here. There is so much division right now, and there’s a lot of language out there pushing us to believe that “people are horrible.” Sure, *some people are horrible. But *way more people are good. We have to remember that. And then open ourselves up to acting as though we believe it. That first step is a leap. Especially if we’re the first one to do so. An act of compassion is a vulnerability. But it’s one I heartily implore you to find the courage to take. We need you in this climb.
Believe in the good in people. Assume positive intent. Granted, it won’t change the reality of the situation either way. But whether your thoughts are true or false, believing in the good in the world will change you. Your compassion, by its very existence, makes the world a better place. And that’s worth it every time.
Always looking forward (with as much compassion as I can muster),
– Aryn

Compassion: We are all seeking happiness
Compassion is recognizing the suffering of others and then being inspired to help. Here are 13 ideas for tapping into your compassion.
1. Practice Empathy. Imagine yourself in another person’s shoes. Everybody is going through something. Cut people some slack.
2. Jilt the Jadedness. Being jaded just messes up your own life anyway…try giving compassion a chance.
3. Believe in the good in people.
4. Make caring cool.
5. Nobody is Perfect. Mistakes = Lessons
6. Listen. We all want to be heard in this noisy world. Be open to other perspectives, even if you don’t agree.
7. Be kinder than you need to be
8. Open the door for a stranger
9. Smile at a neighbor
10. Be extra generous
11. Assume positive intent.
12. Treat yourself – and others – as you would treat a friend.
13. Remember self-compassion. You deserve all of these things as well. Go easy on yourself. Don’t be your harshest critic. Be your biggest cheerleader. (Check out our DIY affirmation cards for positive message ideas!)