Martha Deines
My grandma, Martha Grace (Andrews) Deines, exudes love, happiness, and safety. I’m lucky to call her a close confidant and dear friend. In her life so far, she’s been a pastor’s wife; a mother of six (the six D’s – David, Dana, Dawn, Diedre, Darla, and Danette); and the best grandmother to 12 and great-grandmother to an ever-growing number! Martha’s greatest point of pride is the love and care she has for her family and close family friends! Martha – who just turned 90 years young in April 2024 – is quiet, calm, and positive. She’s a woman of few words, but always straightforward answers. She is easy-going and goes with the flow.

She can often be found in her home in Greene, Iowa, knitting a blanket for a loved-one, working on a puzzle, or watching a sporting event. Beyond this reserved exterior, she is one of the most resilient, strong, and selfless humans. Martha will be the first to tell you how much she loves you and how proud she is of you. Her bright, genuine smile and laughter lights up a room. Maya Angelou’s words come to mind, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And my grandma makes the people around her feel loved – she is always their biggest cheerleader. Her energy is, quite simply, soothing for the soul. Sometimes it is hard to hear over our busy lives and the distracting world around us, but when friends and family who know Martha get the time to connect and pay attention, they feel truly seen and held within her deep love and genuine uplifting words.

Try to describe yourself in one sentence: Happy, married, mother… proud of my family! Content.
Best advice you have received: Well, probably just, “play it cool” and don’t go to bed angry.
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a teacher, and I was! I was an elementary school teacher for a handful of years. I also helped my husband, John (who was a pastor at UNI) as his secretary. We made a good team, and it was nice for him to not have to worry about those types of things. I have very fond memories of our time at the UNI Lutheran Student Center. I continue to have good connections with people from that time and place that are very important in my life! (Martha still has season tickets to UNI Volleyball and attends nearly every home game!)
Do you remember your first job? I worked at the park in the summer – entertaining and teaching kids. I have always liked being around children, with my job as a teacher and stay-at-home mother of six!
Is there something you’ve done that you are proud of?
Leading the band as the drum major in high school!
If you could eat anything every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ice cream! Preferably, butter pecan! (Shortly after she answered this question, someone knocked on the door to remind her about an ice cream social happening that afternoon! I believe she manifested it ~ magical Martha!)
If you were stranded on an island, what would you bring? Water… and ice cream! And my knitting to stay entertained.
How did you meet Grandpa? We met at a carnival that was in town when we were teenagers! We both grew up in Greene, IA, but we were in different grades and attended different churches, so we didn’t really know each other until then.
What was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made? Marrying John… the kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and all of the joy our life together brought! He left too soon.

Do you remember your wedding day? The weather was so beautiful that day. It was at St. Peter Lutheran Church where John’s father was the pastor. It is the church I attend now, after living in a lot of different places for John’s church callings as a pastor himself… Feels very good, very full circle, to have ended up back in Greene.
Do you have any advice for love or relationships? Be comfortable with each other and be honest at all costs.
What do you hope for the future of your family? Happiness! Good health! Do creative things and surround yourself with people you enjoy.