Rhymes with Decorah
A podcast project from Benji Nichols of Inspire(d) Media. Featuring positive stories and focusing on answers for big challenges from across the upper midwest and beyond. Stories about communities you Love – By people you trust. Rhymes with Decorah!
What Rhymes With Decorah?
“The brainstorming session that my wife Aryn, our daughter Roxie (10), and I had for this podcast title was epic. It could have been called “Nichols & Sense”, “Parts Missing”, “Dogs, Beer, and bicycles”, or “Nichols de Gallo” – But “Rhymes With Decorah” won out! Because after all – what rhymes with Decorah?! (Okay, we know there are a few things that do rhyme – we’re looking at you, fedora and menorah!) Our goal is to tell the stories of the communities in our region, share the challenges and successes – and find a way forward – together. That’s what life in the rural midwest is all about.
Aryn and I have been in business together since 2007 – and we’re still married! Inspire(d) Media is a quarterly publication featuring the positive people, places, and projects of the Driftless Region (NE Iowa, SE Minnesota, and W Wisconsin). Find our more about us here!
Thank You for listening!” – Benji Nichols, Inspire(d) Media