Driftless Stories -

Winter 2024-25 Inspire(d) Editor’s Letter

Weaving by Decorah artist Laura Demuth. / Photo by Aryn Henning Nichols

Winter 2024-25 Inspire(d)

We’re all in this together. 

And despite all our differences – or perhaps in celebration of them – I’d like to remind our readers that we are, indeed, stronger together. We are connected in this thing called humanity, woven together into a tapestry of varieties and opinions and textures that make one beautiful, complex whole. When we embrace this fact, we can accomplish so much more.

Aryn and Roxie heading to AZ last winter.

Talented Decorah weaver Laura Demuth’s work on this issue’s cover illustrates this notion beautifully. We loved learning about her path – from shearing her own sheep, making wool yarn, and mastering various weaving techniques in her artwork to becoming a Zen Buddhist priest, Laura’s meandering journey through life is inspiring, and reminds us that it’s never too late to try something new.

This issue is also a great reminder that community building happens on many levels, but the first step is almost always showing up for others. Kara Maloney of Lanesboro Arts wisely states in her Community Builder interview that “showing up not only builds community, it creates a powerful circle.”

Kathleen Jensen of The Little Heart Project builds community while sending positive messages and love to the world through tiny, crocheted hearts. The project is an effort to raise awareness about suicide. These hearts are a reminder that you never know how your actions impact another’s, nor can you ever really know what someone else is going through.

Our mental health section dives into the world of loneliness and shares some ideas for finding connection that works for you. The winter holiday season can bring a lot of social outings and obligations at once. Then it all abruptly halts, often bringing a desire for hunkering down. By mid-to-late-winter, connecting with others can feel like an insurmountable task – especially when you’re an introverted sort. But connecting with others brings a light to our lives that we all really do need.

Finding light in the darkest of darks, Heidi Overson shares the tragic story of her daughter’s death due to accidental fentanyl overdose, and how she and her family built the Amara Rose Foundation in an effort to help others avoid the same heartbreak.

Folks looking for a (figurative) breath of fresh air should make sure to read our conservation story about woodpeckers. They are on full view in the winter, and writer Craig Thompson is back to tell us all about them. Paired with Mary Thompson’s gorgeous artwork, these stories are always a joy.

Eric Sovern brings joy as well – to all who pass through Cardboard Robot’s doors in Downtown Decorah, and to all reading this issue’s Sum of Your Business interview. He reminds us, “Art and craft work doesn’t have to hang in a museum for it to have value. All it has to do is express something you feel inside and then make you feel good about getting it done.”

Finally…confession: I fan-girl over Decorah’s wrestling hero Naomi Simon whenever I see her around town, so I was stoked to feature an update about her rising wrestling stardom in this issue! 

And I love when my friends get to interview their loved ones for the probituary. Be sure to read about Lynsey D. Mortiz’s grandma, Martha Deines, on the back page Q&A!

Here’s to wrapping up 2024, and looking to 2025 with hope, determination, and optimism. We can’t know what the future will hold, but we can band together to try to make it better. Happy New Year, dear readers. Let’s do this thing.

Looking forward,

Aryn Henning Nichols

Listen to our winter Spotify playlist while you read!

In this issue, you’ll find:

Connection: We’re all in this together! Artist Laura Demuth • Community Builders – Kathleen Jensen / The Little Hearts Project – Kara Maloney / Lanesboro Art • Paper Heart Wreath • Infographic: Tips for Making Connections • Connection for Improved Mental Health • Amara Rose Foundation • Woodpeckers! • Sum Biz: Eric Sovern of Cardboard Robot • Wrestling Hero Naomi Simon • Martha Deines • And more! Read the whole thing online here!