You are Fun: Experimenting in Life Infographic
We are here today to remind you: You are fun. Every single person on the planet has the ability to have fun – no matter what that means for you.
When you were a kid, what did you do for fun?
I remember trekking down to the creek a mile from my house, peeling off my socks and sneakers, and squishing my feet down into the wet, sticky mud. If I was lucky, the mud farted, sending my friends and me into a fit of giggles that escalated over and over again at each muddy, explosive sploosh.
That was fun.
Would I do it tomorrow?
Honestly, I think the answer is yes. It still sounds fun, and farts will forever be funny, whether you’re a kid or not. So yes. Invite me to squish in some creek mud (if my schedule is open — boorr-ing adult caveat) – I am 100 percent in!
What is your favorite fun kid memory? Is it something you’d do tomorrow?
Maybe your idea of fun is totally different now. Or maybe you don’t have any idea what fun means to you anymore. Oh boy, then, this will be fun: It’s time to experiment with your life to discover your idea of fun. It’s time to play. It’s time to get out there and seek the stuff that makes you smile.
There are a lot of important things in life. But I think one of the most important is that we live lives we enjoy. Ones in which we seek out the things that bring us happiness. Why, you might ask? Why not? What do you have to loose, besides a bummer mood?! Every day of your life adds up to your total lifespan. How are you living each day? Are you having any fun at all? This infographic kick starts this conversation, and then Inspire(d) Mental Health writer Olivia Lynn Schnur dives in further, walking you through some ways to tap into and create fun in your lives, so buckle up (especially if bungee jumping is on your fun list).
Ahoy! Fun summer ahead!
XOXO – Aryn