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Thanks for your interest in Inspire(d) Media print and web advertising! Founded in 2007, the Inspire(d) team has worked hard to create a media company that educates, motivates, and inspires our readers. Check out our current rate sheet here!
So what is Inspire(d) all about? We value ideas that make us think. Friends, family, neighbors who do good things. Optimism. We believe that people are, as a whole, good.
Aryn always says, “Content is king!” – and we make sure it’s genuine and straightforward. This has created a loyal readership that truly loves our magazine and site, from the stories to the photos, and yes, even the ads!
Our mission, ultimately, is to change the world, starting with our own community. Folks featured in our stories are not pie-in-the-sky do-gooders. That’s the key. Readers need to have an, “I could do that!” moment in order to take action. We believe that by reading something inspiring AND relatable, we will create a more engaged public and, eventually, a more engaged community (state, country, world). We like to call it an experiment in positive news.

Why advertise with Inspire(d)?
Not only do we support a positive mission, local businesses, and the Driftless community as a whole, we bring in the locals AND the tourists. These are people already here, ready to shop, adventure, and support/invest in/give back to this amazing place.
When you sign on with us, your marketing dollars go to work for the three entire months magazines are on racks, and even longer as Inspire(d) stays on coffee tables and gets shared with friends. Nearly 60% of our readers said they keep Inspire(d) up to six months, and some even said they have every issue we’ve ever produced, “Throw them away? You must be kidding.” And “I save many favorite issues. I have some from at least 5 years ago!”
Our ad rates are very competitive, especially for a publication of this circulation and caliber.
We include design fees in the rates – and our designs are always well styled and professional. (But if you have a camera-ready ad, we offer a 10% discount.)
Advertising with us actually brings consumers to your business! Over 90% of our readers said they noticed advertisements in Inspire(d), and nearly 75% of readers said they have purchased, visited, or contacted an advertiser because of their Inspire(d) ad! Tons of readers even said the ads were their favorite part of the magazine. Awesome!
We work with a wide variety of businesses, and have options for large and small budgets. Our advertisers understand that allocating a portion of their marketing budget for Inspire(d) is a great investment in their business. (And supports another local business – Inspire(d) – and the community as a whole too!)
But don’t just listen to us! Here’s what our readers have to say:
“Inspired is not only a great read, but a testament and celebration of small businesses and community in the Driftless Area.”
“Inspire(d) rocks!”
“You’re great, and another one of the reasons why we wanted to move here. A local magazine is an important link to the culture, people, food and issues of our home.”
“I have met a number of people that have come to visit this area because of what they saw in the magazine. I look forward to every issue.”
“Inspire(d) Magazine is one of those things you look forward to arriving. It’s refreshing to see positive spins on what is happening in the area. It also has a great shelf life so if I can’t get to it in the first few days, it’s ok to pick up later… and over and over again too!”
“This is a great magazine! After I get done reading, I am inspired!”
“Inspire(d) is a great source of information and fun and shows the great pride we all have in this beautiful place – the Driftless!”