Inspire(d) Ideas -

Self-Guided Art Tours: A Primer!

Text & Infographic by Aryn Henning Nichols

Fall in the Driftless Region should be called fall in love with the Driftless Region.

It’s beautiful not only for its scenic vistas and lovely (fingers crossed) weather, but also because of all the amazing art we can view through open studio tours. Artists welcome you into their workspaces for these nifty behind-the-scenes tours. If you’re at all interested in art, road trips, or even just people in general, it’s something you really should experience. We’ve shared a lot about these tours in the past, but not so much about what YOU should do to enjoy the events to the fullest. So! We decided to (what else?) put together an infographic (okay, a couple)!

Make sure to mark your calendar for these art tours this fall! 

Northeast Iowa Artists’ Studio Tour
Where: Decorah, Iowa, and 35-mile surrounding region
When: Late September / Early October
For more information: visit

Fresh Art Tour
Where: Lake Pepin and the Chippewa Valley of Wisconsin
When: Early or Mid-October
For more information: visit

Fall Art Tour
Where: Southwest Wisconsin (Baraboo, Dodgeville, Mineral Point, and Spring Green)
When: Mid-October
For more information: visit

Bluff Country Studio Art Tour
Where: Winona, Minnesota, extending into Northeast Iowa and Southwest Wisconsin
When: Mid- to Late-April
For more information: visit

What to bring on a self-guided art tour

1. Maps! Have your route plugged into your phone or gps, but just to be sure (service can be spotty out in the country!) bring along a paper map.

Tip: You could also take screenshots of your directions while you still have a WiFi connection!

2. Snacks and beverages!

3. Cash! Most likely the artists you’re visiting will have options for you to pay with credit card or check, but it’s always nice to make sure you’re covered (and it’s polite to pay for things under $10 with cash).

4. Additional area information! Stop by the local Convention and Visitor’s Bureau or area Chamber of Commerce and see what else should make it onto your tour!

5. A fun playlist! Like cell service, you never know when radio channels will get spotty too! Make sure you have some fun jams to keep the trip light and happy.

6. Miscellaneous essentials: Baby wipes, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug spray, a blanket, an umbrella…

7. Auto essentials: Make sure your car is up to inspection, and that you have a spare tire (and it’s in good shape) and a gas in your tank. And bring your AAA card along if you’ve got one!

8. Camera – While you shouldn’t take photographs of artists’ work without first asking permission, you should definitely take time to pull over and get that great photo of a beautiful valley or flowery field. You never know – you might get an “art” shot yourself!

9. Backup cell battery or charger – your phone might spend a lot of time searching for towers, leaving you high and dry when you need it most. Make sure you’re covered with a back up!

10. A buddy! It’s always more fun to hit the road with a good friend. You can talk about the art, encourage each other to “just do it” on an on-the-fence purchase, and enjoy a new adventure together.


It’s okay not to buy anything! Don’t feel guilty, just enjoy the art and let the artist know that you’ve enjoyed it. But if you DO want to buy something, don’t hesitate! This art is the most “local” you’re ever going to get: You’re standing in the artist’s studio!

PLEASE don’t be afraid to ask questions! You won’t look silly, we promise. In general, artists love to have folks interested in their work, processes, and studio. Everyone has a story, and – boy – stories are fun to hear (that’s why we started this magazine in the first place)!

Printed material is expensive! If an artist has cards, publications, or pamphlets out and you’re not seriously interested in putting it on your fridge/giving it to a friend/calling for more information, just pass on taking them – you’ll be doing the artist a favor!

Negotiations: In general, we don’t live in an area that encourages negotiations on pricing. That said, if you’re looking at a piece but can’t afford to pay the price, be up front about it. See if there are any options for payment plans or if the seller might be willing to budge a smidge on the price. You’ll know quickly enough if they will. If not, move on and know you tried everything you could to bring the piece home. Make sure you are clear that you meant no offense, quite the opposite: you loved their work!