Inspire(d) Ideas
How to Be a Better Ally
Ready to Be a Better Ally? Start here: Educate yourselfGo to eventsSupport through spendingBe an upstanderTeach them youngReflect on your actionsListen to people of colorInfluence…
We’ve got ideas. You’ve got ideas. Shall we call them idea(s)? Ideas inspire us to do and try and learn more things. Check back here to see our infographics for living life intentionally, moving forward, making new friends, and more, and other content that that just seems to be saying, “Hey, what a great idea!”
Ready to Be a Better Ally? Start here: Educate yourselfGo to eventsSupport through spendingBe an upstanderTeach them youngReflect on your actionsListen to people of colorInfluence…
Coming from a Norwegian town like Decorah, Iowa – home to many people with Norwegian heritage, and Vesterheim, a national Norwegian-American museum and heritage center…
By Aryn Henning Nichols Originally published in the Spring 2018 Inspire(d) I don’t know about your neighborhood, but in ours, it always seems like there’s…
So much of the conversation lately has been about taking care of our selves. Exercising and eating well so we keep our bodies healthy and…
Winter is officially here! Are you ready to rock it? Try this winter challenge to make it the best winter yet! By Aryn Henning Nichols…
I had my camera out the other day, and Benji asked me, “What are you shooting?” “Oh, unicorn stuff,” I replied. It’s all unicorn stuff…
By Aryn Henning Nichols • Originally published in the Winter 2013-14 Inspire(d) It’s tough to stay positive in the winter – when it’s edging on…
We here at Inspire(d) often talk about changing the world…or, more accurately, changing the community. But what about simply brightening someone’s day? That, honestly, changes…
Inspire(d) 10th Anniversary Party – Oct 21, 1-4 pm Did we mention we’re celebrating our 10th year in business? (Ha, a few times, right?) We’re pretty excited…
Empower the girls in your life – start with you, start at home, and start today! Here are some ideas to get you going: •…
Me Time: Taking care of yourself makes it easier to take care of others (gasp!) Introduction and infographic by Aryn Henning Nichols • Originally published…
9 Ways to Change Your World It doesn’t always seem like you can change the world, but you can certainly change your world…any day, any time. So…