Happy Birthday, Inspire(d)!
Today, we celebrate 15 years of positive news! Woot! At year 10, we compiled a list of 10 things we had found to be true…
Oh hi there! Here’s where you can get to know the folks behind Inspire(d) – Aryn and Benji – a little better!
Today, we celebrate 15 years of positive news! Woot! At year 10, we compiled a list of 10 things we had found to be true…
It’s back to school time, and, as an adult, I find that brings up a mix of emotions. I am a little sad to see…
At least (roughly) 48 times a year, I look up at the dark night sky, bursting with stars, and think, “Whoa. We are tiny specks…
Hello, dear Inspire(d) friends, We’ve been having some tough-but-necessary conversations around our house lately – talk of Juneteenth, racism, Black Lives Matter, and the murder…
By Aryn Henning Nichols Originally published in the Spring 2018 Inspire(d) I don’t know about your neighborhood, but in ours, it always seems like there’s…
Whew, these are some crazy times we’re living through with this COVID-19 pandemic. When we told Roxie there was no school for four weeks, she…
Inspire(d)’s Benji Nichols participates in 2019-20 Leadership Iowa Class. It’s not very often that we get to do interviews with each other, so I (Aryn)…
We here at Inspire(d) like to stick with positive news – it’s what we’re all about, and we think it’s an important thing to do,…
The only thing to fear is fear itself. Man that is a genius quote. You’ve heard it, right? It’s from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first inaugural…
Hi friends! I was contacted recently by Erin Bunce, the business services and social media intern at the Iowa Secretary of State’s office in…
The Push/Pull of Parenthood It never fails. Roxie leaves with her (usually) brushed hair floating behind her, mismatched socks on under her “rock & roll”…
This morning, Roxie (totally out of the blue) asks, “Daddy, will you please help me clean up my desk?” It certainly wasn’t by example –…