Paper Projects -

Make It: Paper Seed Starter Boxes!

By Aryn Henning Nichols | Summer 2023 Inspire(d)

Starting seeds is definitely a favorite spring activity around Inspire(d) HQ. Make your own seed starter boxes for your future plants with this fun DIY. BONUS: You can plant the whole thing in the ground when it’s time!

Supplies for Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Supplies – Gather your things for your paper seed starter boxes:
1. Newspaper (our local newspaper was more of a tabloid size when we made this tutorial. If your newspaper is more of a traditional size – think 11-12 inches wide – you won’t need to trim it).
2. Inspire(d) Magazine for measuring (a ruler works too, hah) – pictured here is the Spring 2022 Inspire(d)!
3. Scissors
4. Seeds of your desired future plants
5. Soil – check out this throw-back post for tips on soil and seed starting in general
6. Spade or other soil moving utensil

Newspaper for Paper Seed Starter Boxes

You’ll use one full sheet of newspaper, or half a sheet if your newspaper is more the standard size. This one, as mentioned, is more of a tabloid size.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold the newspaper back in half and use your Inspire(d) Magazine to measure your 11-12 inches. Trim off the excess newspaper and recycle.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Open paper back up and turn it the long way.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Now fold it in half, meeting the two edges (so you might have to go slightly against the regular
newspaper fold). Use a scissors or tool to make your crease nice and defined.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold it in half again (hot dog fold), and use your tool to make your defined crease again. So far, this feels a lot like making a paper airplane.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

With that paper airplane idea in your mind, open the paper back up, and turn it with the folded edge toward you.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold the lower righthand corned into the middle. Then fold the lower lefthand corner into the middle (see, just like a paper airplane)!

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

With the point facing down, fold just the top flap of your newspaper to the “airplane” edges.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold that flap over itself again, so now it’s forming what looks like half a hat (upside down).

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Flip the whole project over.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Turn it on its side, making note of where your middle crease is located.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold the bottom half up to the middle crease.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Rotate the project and do the same on the other side.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Aim the point toward yourself again and fold the whole top section down to meet the folded edges.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold that section again, over itself, so it overlaps the folded part. You’ll be opening this back up to tuck it into the flaps inside the folded part. This is the section that gets just a little tricky.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Open up that section you just folded, and grab the top part. You’ll be tucking that into the section just behind the point.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Here’s a different view of where you’re tucking that flap.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

It will take a little finagling to get it in there and it might not fit totally perfectly. That’s okay!

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Just do your best (like I did here, haha).

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Once it’s all tucked in, use your tool to make your creases nice and defined.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes
How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Now take this corner (where I’m pointing), and fold it over to the other corner. It will just touch that corner and you’ll be making a defined crease so it will guide the fold make the bottom of the box.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Like so. Use your scissors or tool to make just that section of the fold defined.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

When you open it up, you’ll see the defined crease you just made, like above.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Time for the exciting part! Open up the box opposite from the tip.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Fold the bottom crease into itself to form the bottom. It might take a little finagling again.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Use your fingers to shape the edges and bottom of the box a bit. The bottom flap might stick out a little – that’s okay! It sits on the bottom so the soil and plant will hold it down.

How to make Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Put some soil in your pot, then two or three of your seeds, and top with soil.

Finished Paper Seed Starter Boxes

Make sure you put these pots on a tray, as the newspaper is obviously not waterproof. You’ll be able to see very well with the soil is dry because the newspaper will let you know! Once it’s time to put your seedlings in the ground, you can plant the whole pot, newspaper and all! Happy Spring! -Aryn