Paper Projects
How to Make a Super Fly Paper Airplane!
(download super fly paper airplane template here)
We love the feel, smell, look of paper – we print a magazine, so you’d expect that, right? We also love the idea of folks putting down their screens for a moment (after you read Inspire(d) online, yes?) and make something with your hands. It can be a great activity with friend, kids, or just for yourself. We’ve done a lot of different projects – from unicorn piñatas to mini-megaphones – and we’ll help you keep busy on even the gloomiest of days!
(download super fly paper airplane template here)
Paper Projects: Pinwheeeeeeels! Supplies
A Paper Project by Inspire(d) Media/Aryn Henning Nichols These paper chicks are a fun spring project for the young and young-at-heart! Supplies: Construction paper or…
Supplies: Paper (I like red for Chinese New Year, but you can use any you like, 8.5 x 11 works best) Pencil Tape or Stapler…
What you’ll need: Inspire(d) Turkey Page 29 from the Fall 2011 issue (Get it here!) Scissors Brown paper bag Cardboard (optional – cereal boxes work…
Tutorial and one-handed photos by Aryn Henning Nichols Read an inspiring story about Decorah’s Spencer-Berg family and their four-month sabbatical in the Summer 2011 Inspire(d)…